REAL Examples: The Employee Experience Takes Center Stage

For many, the COVID-19 pandemic shifted when, where and how work got done. The lines between work and home blurred, and work-life balance went out the window. Employees felt stressed, fearful, anxious—and now they’re burnt out. 

At the same time, many employees reassessed their priorities and what matters most to them in the workplace. They want jobs that are a better fit with their own personal purpose and values, they want a better work-life balance, and they’re choosing to leave companies that don’t meet their criteria. We’ve seen this in the Great Resignation. We’ve seen this in “quiet quitting.” 

Now, nearly three years since organizations had to rapidly shutter their offices and send employees off to work remotely, many companies are trying to sort out what “work” now looks like, and are reimagining the employee experience to best support their workforce and their business. 

Enter the employee experience manager. For the first time, “Employee Experience Manager” made it onto LinkedIn’s 2023 list of the fastest-growing jobs in the United States. 

A title you probably wouldn’t have seen a decade or so ago, the employee experience manager oversees processes that support employee engagement, wellbeing and development at all employee touchpoints, including training programs and mentoring initiatives, according to LinkedIn. The employee experience manager’s work starts even before the hiring process, and continues throughout the employee lifecycle to develop, motivate and retain employees. 

This spotlight on the employee experience is one we here at Experience Counts think is long overdue, and it’s at the heart of what we do. Employees are unique individuals with unique skills, needs and challenges. Some enjoy the hustle and bustle of the in-office environment. Some need quiet and alone time to do their best work. Some have a need to work a flexible or alternative schedule. Employee experience managers help make sure all employees get what they need to do their best work, and help company leadership adapt to the shift away from the 9-to-5 “butts in seats” mentality to best support their teams and create a better employee experience. 

If your organization wants to put more emphasis on the employee and leader experiences but isn’t quite ready to commit to hiring a full-time, benefitted role or team to help do so, we have you covered. Whether you need help assessing your culture, developing leaders or creating moments that matter for your employees, Experience Counts is here to help. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

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